Thursday, August 18, 2011

Turn the other cheek

I'm gonna try to be the bigger person today. People talk so much crap these days its a wonder they get on with their own lives when they are too busy worrying about everyone elses. I just get tired of it. I do my best to be a good person and Im not perfect and I know that. I have done and said alot of things I shouldn't but I'm trying to move on and learn from them. That's what we're all supposed to do!!! Anyways, the Bible says turn the other cheek, so that's what I'm gonna do. There is no reason for anyone to be jealous of me. I live an everyday life just like everyone else. I have dreams and hopes and just trying to make them come true. Fortunately I have a wonderful husband who is helping me and doing his best to be a good husband and father and he's doing a darn good job of it. So, if it's because I have a good marriage and kids, or because were finally getting somewhere in our lives, you all can have that too. Ya know I've always said I wasn't going to look for love, I did for a while but when I met my husband, I didnt know he was going to be my soul mate. We just met one day and have been together since. I didnt go looking for it. It came to me. When its time for you, it will happen. The Lord has a plan for everyone and if it means that much to you then just pray about it. It may not be time for you yet, there may be something that you need to do first and just don't know it. Don't question the almighty, he knows what he is doing. So, get out there and live your life right and do what you need to do. Pray alot, thats what your knees are for. He will take care of you!

1 comment:

  1. I'm going thorough a situation know where I am being the bigger person and to just "Turn the Other Cheek"


    Make sure you just smile today Stephanie :)
