Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Past and Dreams

So I woke up today in not so great a mood, felt really aggravated this morning, not even sure why. Been sitting here thinking about a lot of things today. My past keeps popping back up in my head. Not really anything in particular just wish sometimes I could go back and do things over, not make them different just fix certain things I did wrong and if I only knew then what I know now. That kind of thing. It really hurts sometimes. I regret a lot of things I have said and done so much I would take back if I could but we're supposed to move on and learn from our mistakes. I'm having a hard time doing that :(  . They say though that our past is what makes us, us. Well what If I'm not happy with who I am today? This is what I'm trying to learn from and make myself a better person. My life did a complete turn around from what I had planned for myself but maybe God had a different plan for me, that's what I want to believe anyways. He knows what is best for us and I'm still trying to "adapt" to this life of mine. Ya know when I was in school I always thought I'd graduate and go off to college then get married and have kids after getting a career and all that goes with that, well I'm doing some of those things just a little backwards.

 To tell a little secret, I always wanted to be a singer. I don't think I've ever told anyone that. Not that I have the voice to do that but I would love for that to be a realistic dream of mine. I feel like songs really let people hear how you are feeling, it expresses the emotion better and you can say so much in a song without having to really say it at the same time. Idk, just a dream I guess.

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