Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Suds in the..Car?!

So it's been a rough few weeks lately..and the past few days I haven't even had the time to write. Now I've decided to change my attitude about a few things here lately. I'm the type that when so much goes on at once, I tend to have a breakdown and start crying..but there has been things I don't have a lot of control over here lately and If I have a breakdown, it'll only make things worse. So with that said I've decided to write all my problems down here and be on my knees at night giving them to the Lord to handle..He doesn't give us more then we can take on but like a friend of mine said yesterday to me "Sometimes I wish he wouldn't trust us so much."
James went to see his neurologist yesterday, he said as he studdered his words out (wondering if we shouldn't go see someone else) that James might be having mini strokes so they are running more tests later. They did one in the office and it came out good. Also yesterday, I had a hair party at my house, had a few friends over. Went from a good day to a horrible evening, apparently some "he said, he said" not he said she said, was going on and that started so much drama, some people don't know how to let things go in one ear and out the other so that started a fight..got it taken care of though. Well the next morning we get up to take Kaydence to school and the after we leave the school. Our car breaks down, to make a longer story short..someone put dish soap in our radiator. I'm pissed, not only did that mess up our only family vehicle..it messed up MY vehicle..we don't have the money to take our car to the shop, we dont have the money to buy a new one, we don't have the money...period. I drive kaydence back and forth to school in that car..myself to school and back, drs. appts..all of it..now until i get the money to fix it I have to rely on other people to get me where i need to be. I don't like relying on other people, people are not reliable. Enough said.

So I started writing this blog this morning, after I said I wouldnt have a breakdown. I stopped writing to take Kaydence to school..well I lied.. I had a breakdown...In the parking lot..and all because I couldn't get the stupid door of the truck I was driving to close. A person can only handle so much but when you add your vehicle and 2 kids to the mix it only makes things that much worse. I'm going to stop writing now, before I have another breakdown just thinking about stuff. I do have to say, I waited a lot longer to fall this time then I usually do. Things are improving from that prospective.

One more thing, Clinton is having a lot of break-ins, robberies, and vandalisms going on lately..be sure to stay safe and lock your doors. A few of my neighbors were robbed as well, the same time someone messed with my car. A purse and all of it's inside belongings and a tool box full of tools.

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