Friday, December 28, 2012

Day 2 NYR

It's amazing what one day of doing the "right stuff" will do for you. I stuck to my plans yesterday and did very well. I also got my 64oz of water in plus some! 90oz is what I drank yesterday! Normally, on a typical day I wake up swollen and feeling groggy and just out of energy. This morning, I was NOT swollen, and felt really good! See, when your body does not get the water it needs, it retains it! Making some swollen, therefore that is why I'm always swollen. My body is holding fluids, but since I drank so much water yesterday, it was able to let go of alot! Drinking a lot also helps the body rid of waste and toxins, it cleanses your system! Anyways, I got up and did half of my workout this morning, and I will finish it later today, my little boy isn't feeling well. I still got a great workout in though and worked up a sweat! I can't wait til next Thursday when I can weigh in and see what progress I have made, I will also take new pics! I will eventually post them, but I am ashamed of them right now :( Well, that is all for now! Until tomorrow...

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