Sunday, December 30, 2012


So I took yesterday "off" as in for working out, well I had planned to anyway.. I did end up walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes. I woke up so sore it hurt to walk yesterday! Still pretty sore today but I gotta work out. I didn't eat so great yesterday but I still drank my water and got a walk in and I know I wasn't supposed to check the scale until thursday but I cheated! I won't say what my numbers are just yet but this new "lifestyle" is working!!! I'd say most of it is water weight right now but that's ok too! I'm gonna walk the treadmill today then get back to the hard workout tomorrow, I'm hoping my calves will feel better tomorrow so it won't hurt so much to work out! Lol

Friday, December 28, 2012

Day 2 NYR

It's amazing what one day of doing the "right stuff" will do for you. I stuck to my plans yesterday and did very well. I also got my 64oz of water in plus some! 90oz is what I drank yesterday! Normally, on a typical day I wake up swollen and feeling groggy and just out of energy. This morning, I was NOT swollen, and felt really good! See, when your body does not get the water it needs, it retains it! Making some swollen, therefore that is why I'm always swollen. My body is holding fluids, but since I drank so much water yesterday, it was able to let go of alot! Drinking a lot also helps the body rid of waste and toxins, it cleanses your system! Anyways, I got up and did half of my workout this morning, and I will finish it later today, my little boy isn't feeling well. I still got a great workout in though and worked up a sweat! I can't wait til next Thursday when I can weigh in and see what progress I have made, I will also take new pics! I will eventually post them, but I am ashamed of them right now :( Well, that is all for now! Until tomorrow...

Thursday, December 27, 2012

New Years Resolution

Someone every year makes their self a new years resolution that consists of getting healthier, losing weight, and becoming a better person. Well, I am one of those people, I always make a resolution that consists of losing weight and never stick to it! So I'm stuck making the same resolution the next year and this turns into a viscious cycle! Well NO MORE! I'm sick of being fat and unhealthy! I WILL do something about it this year or it WILL be the death of me..and I'm not joking. Earlier this year I went to the doctor and was told I had high cholesterol, I'm too young for that. I am 25, married with 2 kids and don't have time to be unhealthy. I don't want my next doctors visit to say Im diabetic or something worse so I'm going to fix this here and now and I'm going to do it on my own terms, my own determination, my own will power. I am 100lbs over weight and that sounds so overwhelming. So I've decided to start small, make small goals at and do this in increments of 5-10 lbs at a time. I'm still going to eat what I want, but I am doing it in a controlled manner. I will make better decisions about what I eat, use proportion sizes, drink lots of water and add in some exercise. Now, I'm 100 lbs overweight according to the doctor's chart. If I weighed 100 lbs less then I do now, I would be skin and bones and that's not what I want. I can stand to lose 90 though and look good at this weight. I'm embarrassed of my weight and what I look like in pictures, but I will go ahead and say that I am 216lbs as of this morning. The last time I weighed that I was 9 months pregnant with my daughter and she is 5. I have been gaining a lot of weight here recently and fast and I'm not sure why so I'm going to start this new lifestyle today and if for some reason it's not working I will go to the doctor and find out why. Until then I'm going to do my part and see what happens.

With all that said, I woke up this morning and ate something bad :(, then I got online and started looking around at ways to lose weight. the only way this is going to work. I worked out for 7.5 minutes and was wore out! But felt better already.. so a few minutes later I got on my treadmill and walked/jogged  for another 10 minutes. That is more then I have done in a long time and it took everything I had just to do that. But, I noticed a difference first thing after I did that. I am shooting for 64 oz of water a day and a minimum of 20 minutes of exercise (to start) a day for 3 days. Now remember, this is just to start. I'm out of shape and it takes some training for the body to get where it needs to be. After about 2 weeks, I will up my workout rountine time and add in some more exercises. I photographed myself this morning, but I'm not going to post those right now..when I get more comfortable I will do that.

So.. starting weight is 216, weight loss goal is 90lbs..BUT i'm shooting for 10 right now. Once I get to 10, I will add 10 more and so on. I will weigh in once a week and post results. For anyone who is following, feel free to comment with tips, or your own goals! The more motivation for each of us the better... and when someone is doing it with you, it makes it so much easier! Good luck to myself and any followers! :)

Friday, July 6, 2012

Life Updated...?

So I haven't written in a looooong time. Since the last post I have been busier then ever, we are busy trying to "make something of ourselves" lol. we as in my husband and I. He took a new job out of state (I hated it), making better money then he has in a long time, well it got us out of gov't housing, which has been wonderful. I felt like a prisoner there. Anyways, after we moved, we decided we didn't like the house we moved into..and the landlord, well let's just sayin in nice words, he doesn't know how to be one. So after some rude people, husband being away too long, and family emergencies, my husband came home and found a job here making MORE money then he was while he was out of it's nice to have him home. Anyways, I was browsing craigslist for a new dog..when I came across Ginger, a sweet Beagle/lab mix (whom I extremely allergic to) ...this is Ginger :)
Anyways, I found Ginger on craigslist, we went to pick her up from the owner who was actually moving to Georgia the next day, she told us the house was coming up for rent and the owner needed a tenant pretty quickly ( I was in love with the house btw), we asked the price and it was just too much for our budget. We called the owner anyways just to check and it was actually more then the amount Ginger's owner told us. So we went home with Ginger and I know my husband was thinking about the house as much as I was because we both became quiet and didn't say much on the way home. That night, I had a dream about the house ( I assume because we had been there the night before and I couldn't stop thinking about it) and the next morning, before my husband got out of bed, the owner
CALLED US!! He said he had a proposition for us and that if we were interested in the house to come look at it and he would talk to us about it. So we were like ok, maybe he can work with us..I prayed while getting ready to head over there...we checked out the house, inside and out and it was everything we are always looking and talking about having in a house one day..he dropped 100 dollars off the rent amount! I was thrilled! we are a week away from moving in to a place I have been looking for, for so long! So yeah, this is our life, a little updated. Less poor, "richer" physically and in Jesus! Without, we would not be where we are today.
On a different note, I'm almost done with school! WOoooo, December is completion month and I am beyond ready to get done and start working..ooh how could I forget, I want you to meet BUBBLES, my sweet sweet baby...
this kitten has stolen my heart! I love her so much. She's still a baby, around 2 1/2 months old. Sweetest lil thing and so playful. :) Well, that is all. Have a good day!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Diet Update

So today is day 4 on my 17 day diet. Today was rough. Although I've lost 4lbs, I cheated today. I just wanted something good today. So I've probably gained back what I lost. :( I'm not going to weigh again until day 7. Idk what's wrong with me today..just didn't want to obey my diet. Lol. Anyways, I'm going to get back on track tomorrow. I have to do this, I have to prove to myself I can do this. 12 lbs a month is all I need. It's getting late so I'm cutting this short. Will update again soon.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Well hello!

Dang, it's been a long time since I've written..Guess that's what happens when you have a hectic life. Wow, so anyways, let's just cut to the chase..been going to school full-time..watching my kiddies, and doing homework the other times. My son Levi just had his 2nd birthday..where does the time go?! Kaydence will be 5 the 16th of March and I can't believe its been that long..they aren't babies anymore. :( I was dealing with alot of stuff the last time I wrote and I am definately in a better place since then. I got rid of a lot of people in my life that were causing me more harm then good. Made some awesome new friends and enjoying life right now. I also have picked up some in my "photography business." I am definately enjoying that. I hope that since spring and summer is just around the corner, I will gain a few new clients. I absolutely love taking pictures..I just can't believe it's taken me so long to realize it. After I graduate (this year!!!) I plan to take some photography classes just for a little more experience and tips. I do pretty good as a rookie though..haven't had any complaints so far so thats a good sign.

Different note: I just ordered the book "The 17 Day Diet" I will keep updated on the progress of that once it gets here. I'm excited to start it and hopefully shed some pounds before summer. I'd love to get back into my favorite bathing suit one day. :) Anyways, got a lot going on this month of February..some photo shoots coming up, birthday party for my kids and then going to a cabin with some friends the end of the month..So excited about that! Well, that's all for now. Until then..