Monday, October 3, 2011


Wow, I hadn't realized how long it's been since I wrote apologies. Anyways, It has been a rough few weeks in my life lately. But as always, we have made it through. The Lord has been good to us. Our car broke down and we weren't able to fix it...searching and praying for something for two weeks and the Lord answered our prayers just in time. We got a new car this past Friday, it's a 96 Chevy Lumina and I love it! I start school tonight and now I have a way to get there! Now after all the money we put into our old car to try and fix it and getting this new car..we are broke again..DHS is behind and our food money did not come in today like it was supposed to. :( We have an empy kitchen at the moment so now I'm going to pray our money comes in soon. I'm not gonna worry too much, we should get them in a few days but I have to figure out how I'm going to feed my kids now. Sheesh, I'm really tired of being so poor. If there was only some way of coming across a nice chunk of money, oh how nice that would be. Oh well. Well anyways, I'm thankful for things I do have and my neighbors have been so much help here lately, I'm so grateful to know them. :)

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