Wednesday, November 23, 2011

doctor, bills, life.

So it's been a really long time since I have written....I have some catching up to do I guess. Life continued to get worse after I wrote, but I think the Lord was trying to make me humble. The worse I protested and pitched a fit, the harder things got. I finally figured out what the problem was and although things seem to still be tough, they are not as bad and I have managed to handle it better. We got a new car, which added another bill but we plan to pay it off at tax time. Bills will be bills..they will always be there so there's not much I can do about sense in complaining.

For the past month now my son has been sick. It started out as a cold. Then came the fever..but this wasn't just any fever, it went from nothing to 105. I'm sorry but if you ask me that is just way too high for anyone, let alone a 1 yr old. The doctor told me I shouldn't worry about it too much. I think the doctor got his license from a cracker jack box. DONT TELL ME NOT TO WORRY about my child. Especially with a fever like that. Anyways, the first time we took him to the er at childrens..they told us that he had an ear infection and that one of his (ear) tubes were missing..then they put him on antibiotics. Well a couple days later we took him to his ear doctor who told us he DID NOT have an ear infection and both his tubes were in place. Yes, it pissed me off. They think we dont know or wont find out if he really had an ear infection but since he does have tubes obviously he sees an ear doctor and we will find out..dumb people. So his fever went down for a few days then on the 8th day, it came back hard. 105.3. We took him back to the er...the dr said and I quote, after all the tests that were run everything looked fine so he says "I don't know what to do"...THAT IS YOUR are supposed to make my child feel better and figure out what is wrong so you can fix it....obviously something is going on ..i dont care what the tests say, do more or soemthing..bring in a specialist..I'm not going home with my kid being that sick. And I told the doctors this so they admitted him to make "me" feel better...again i say dumb people..he ended up with a horrible make  a long story short, the one nurse we had was on our side..doc tried to send him home..but he wouldnt eat or drink so he stayed, got fluids. Come to find out the meds they were giving him to make him better were making him worse..he is allergic to the antibiotics ..

For now, Levi is home, fever free, and covered in itchy hives.. :( but he is doing a little better (other then the hives). Well , i'm getting myself worked up and mad at the doctors..enough for now.

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