Friday, July 6, 2012

Life Updated...?

So I haven't written in a looooong time. Since the last post I have been busier then ever, we are busy trying to "make something of ourselves" lol. we as in my husband and I. He took a new job out of state (I hated it), making better money then he has in a long time, well it got us out of gov't housing, which has been wonderful. I felt like a prisoner there. Anyways, after we moved, we decided we didn't like the house we moved into..and the landlord, well let's just sayin in nice words, he doesn't know how to be one. So after some rude people, husband being away too long, and family emergencies, my husband came home and found a job here making MORE money then he was while he was out of it's nice to have him home. Anyways, I was browsing craigslist for a new dog..when I came across Ginger, a sweet Beagle/lab mix (whom I extremely allergic to) ...this is Ginger :)
Anyways, I found Ginger on craigslist, we went to pick her up from the owner who was actually moving to Georgia the next day, she told us the house was coming up for rent and the owner needed a tenant pretty quickly ( I was in love with the house btw), we asked the price and it was just too much for our budget. We called the owner anyways just to check and it was actually more then the amount Ginger's owner told us. So we went home with Ginger and I know my husband was thinking about the house as much as I was because we both became quiet and didn't say much on the way home. That night, I had a dream about the house ( I assume because we had been there the night before and I couldn't stop thinking about it) and the next morning, before my husband got out of bed, the owner
CALLED US!! He said he had a proposition for us and that if we were interested in the house to come look at it and he would talk to us about it. So we were like ok, maybe he can work with us..I prayed while getting ready to head over there...we checked out the house, inside and out and it was everything we are always looking and talking about having in a house one day..he dropped 100 dollars off the rent amount! I was thrilled! we are a week away from moving in to a place I have been looking for, for so long! So yeah, this is our life, a little updated. Less poor, "richer" physically and in Jesus! Without, we would not be where we are today.
On a different note, I'm almost done with school! WOoooo, December is completion month and I am beyond ready to get done and start working..ooh how could I forget, I want you to meet BUBBLES, my sweet sweet baby...
this kitten has stolen my heart! I love her so much. She's still a baby, around 2 1/2 months old. Sweetest lil thing and so playful. :) Well, that is all. Have a good day!